Thursday, February 28, 2019

Vedic secret Sacred Eternal Science is Sacred Energy xchange

"Ignite your soul Eternal truths' For Blissfull life.


In Ancient India Vedic Sanatana Dharma Eternal Enlightened beings saints,Maharishi's,Sithars Revealed about Sacred Energy xchange is Purity act and it's Foundation for Creation,If Both Male & Female got Realisation of this Divine act to create blessed Generation they should train with Enlightened beings about this wisdom (Knowledge).

Before 2000 years itself Vatsayana Maharishi written a Complete Sacred Energy xchange book called Kamasastra.

Great Saint of Tamil poet 2500 years before written in his World Famous book Tirukural about Sacred Energy xchange as Kamathupaal.

Lord shiva and Mother Parashakthi taken birth in this Earth as Bairava & Bairavi ,Lord shiva as Kalabairavar revealed eternal Secrets about creation it's called Vigyan Bairava Tantra in this Scientific Kundalini Experiment truths ,God revealed many Tantras about Sacred Energy xchange ,One should can attain Great Transformation by Realising male male and Female Energies and they can transform their body into Divine light Vital force Energy xchange tools .

The correct understanding of Sexual Energy is part of the Awakening, due to the distorsions this pure sacred energy has been subjected during this last dark age, also because of the fall of the Divine Feminine.

Porn, for example, is a distorsion that takes away from sex the purest and sacred part, reducing everything to a mechanical act without soul's connection.

Yoni is a Sanskrit word that has been interpreted to literally mean the womb, and the female organs of generation or alternatively the "origin, or source" of anything in other contexts.

Yoni is a sacred space where Spiritual Realm and Physical Realm find a connection, how Can you violate such a Sacred space like this ?

With the correct interpretation microcosm - macrocosm, if you Will, the Black Hole at the Center of the Galaxy is the Womb of the Milky Way (.... milky because of the Human Sperm) that is fertilized by Unconditional Love to give birth to the Souls.

Sexual Energy is the Energy of Creation, you cannot share it with everyone, is a Sacred Energy Exchange, use it wisely because Can be used as a tool to contaminate your soul with bad intensions.

Raising kundaKund Energy through Sacred Energy xchange is 100% possible, all Rishi's prooved it and they written their Experiences in their Texts ,Sithars Songs they revealed it as Pariyanga yogam .

Prosperity is Mind Science

Most people don't understand that success in any area can't be achieved without addressing the issue holistically.

If you buy a strategy but your mindset is one of lack, you'll stay broke. If you find a mentor that tells you exactly how to achieve X result but deep down you don't truly believe you can, you'll self-sabotage. If you have a fixed mindset rather than a growth mindset and you experience a loss or drawdown, you'll do what you've done your whole life when you face challenge which is likely run or stop trying because your self worth is linked to your results rather than your effort.

Our students get results because we address the issue holistically (and have plans to expand on this even further in the future).

Just like you can workout every single day but won't get abs if your dietary habits don't support that result, you'll never be successful in any area unless your beliefs, strategies and systems are all working together.

Affirmations are Seeds for New Life! SPARK YOGA for Enlightenment

Healing affirmations are powerful intentional phrases of positive focus that work to rebalance the body, mind, heart and spirit.

These seeds can be used to aid us in planting wellness within and shifting our beliefs in relation to restoring our wellbeing.
Here are some affirmations to use when you are in need of connecting to deeper healing and wellness. You can say each one of these affirmations on their own as a touchstone when you feel the need to rebalance or you can use all of them as a mini healing ritual.

I am filled with complete wellness
I am a vibrant being and my body radiates vitality
The temple of my body is strong, powerful and well
I welcome nourishing wellness with every breath
Every cell in my body radiates vitality, health and wellness
My body knows the path to heal itself
I get stronger and healthier every day
Each day I nourish my mind, body, heart and soul
I believe in my ability to heal
I welcome healing into my body
I am constantly regenerating
My body quickly and easily heals itself
I am open to balance and wellness
I am grateful for the temple of my body
I am complete
I am filled with peace
I am filled with eternal love
I am healthy, happy and whole
I am blessed, I am loved, I am safe.

SPARK YOGA"Ignite your soul powers" for Heavenly life.

Focus Is Creation ! SPARK YOGA for Blissful life.

You get what you focus in on it whether you want it or not

Thoughts are Creators! SPARK YOGA for New Life .
Ask and it is given! You get what you think about all day long whether you want it or not, so start focusing on what you do want instead of what you don’t!

Founder :SPARK World Yoga" for Heaven on Earth"

Conscious Thoughts Miracles! SPARK YOGA for Blessed Life.

Dr.V.Suresh ,FRHS,DYNC,Dr.Ac,PhD.,
Founder : SPARK WORLD (Spiritual Powers Attained Real Kingdom World)

Light and Dark Side

We all are born as equals. We all have certain qualities in us. Good is the light side and bad is the dark side. When we choose to adopt the light side, we become a good person and vice versa for dark side.

A normal person keep shifting between light and dark side on daily basics. Sometimes a person chooses to remain on one side, either light or dark. For example history has proved that if we had someone like Hitler, then we also had someone like Mother Teresa. These people choose their side and lived with it.(See above photo of water Scientific Experiment ).

Let's not quickly come into a judgmental state about branding a person good or bad. A normal person does good and bad at the same time. We readily choose to show our light side, but hide our dark side. So all of us are the same.

Afform : Why I accept everyone just the way they are?

This bring you into neutral zone. You will accept a person's light side and dark side.

Our Body is A Universe -SPARK YOGA

SPARK YOGA" Ignite your soul powers to live a Heavenly life"

Your body is a complete multi-universe within itself! You are made in the image of the Universe, but in a much different way than humanity ever expected, as an inner Cosmos. Your liver, your kidneys and all your organs are made up of trillions of different kinds of living organisms, each thinking independently, yet they cooperate and work together, creating a synchronicity of life to create one being. Examine every level of the universe from the very small to the very large. All of these levels are reflections of each other. You are more than a body; which is a single living organism that is composed of trillions of individual organisms. Everything is connected.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Heaven on Earth is Coming

Dr.V.Suresh., MD(AM),FRHS,PhD.

Kingdom of Heaven on Earth
Vaikunta on Earth
Paradise on Earth

Together by Knowing God,By realising God we can become God,this Earth will become God's Living Place ,Heaven on Earth is 100% possible who are ready to change their self into godly beings.

1. Your subconscious mind not only controls all the processes of the body but also knows the answers to the various questions and can solve many problems.

2. Before going to bed, refer to your subconscious mind with a specific request and soon you will see its miraculous power in action.

3.  When you have a specific goal or dream, consciously repeat this statement: “I believe that the power of the subconscious, which gave me this desire, will embody it in me now.”

4. Stress, anxiety and fear can disrupt the natural rhythm of breathing, heart rate and work of any other part of the body. Cultivate in your subconscious mind thoughts of health, peace and harmony, and all the functions of the body will return to normal.

5. Fill your subconscious with expectations of the best experiences and emotions, and your thoughts will become a reality.

6. The subconscious doesn’t discriminate, judge, or censor. It will manifest success, abundance, and health just as easily as failure, ill health, and misfortune. Your subconscious accepts what is impressed upon it with feeling and repetition, whether these thoughts are positive or negative. It does not evaluate things like your conscious mind does. This is why it is so important to be aware of what you are thinking.

7. Train your conscious mind to think thoughts of success, happiness, health, and prosperity. Learn to weed out negativity such as fear and worry. Keep your conscious mind busy with the expectation of the best, and make sure the thoughts you habitually think are based upon what you want in your life.

Your Thoughts Output is your Life -Dr.V.Suresh

Dr.V.Suresh ,FRHS,DYNC,PhD.
Founder:SPARK WORLD (Satya Yuga Paripalana Kendra)
Spiritual Powers Attained Real Kingdom World.

🌟The universe can only match the vibration you are offering it.
✨How you feel internally will reflect into your outer world. Nobody can change that, but you.
✨If you feel sad, depressed, angry, jealous, then that will keep showing up in your life.
✨On the other hand, if you focus on solutions, ways to overcome your problems, taking massive action, work on your mindset, and feeling good, positive emotions. Your life will start to show that.
✨The fastest way to go from a low vibration to a higher vibration is though reading books, listening to audios, eating better foods, exercise and surrounding myself with people who uplift my vibration DAILY.
✨Nothing will change until we begin to work on ourselves.

From this Second use your Own Soul God Powers to make your life Blissful,Joyful,Healthy,Prosperous & live a Heavenly life .


CEO:Rich world Energy Center
"Making people Rich in Mind,Body,Soul "

Money manifestation tip!

Watch your thoughts while paying....

What’s on your mind when standing at the counter and paying for goods? Have you ever thought about it? If you feel uncomfortable because you are giving away your money, it’s time to make a huge shift in thinking.

Every time you pay for anything – be it at a gas station, grocery store or at a pharmacy, say to yourself silently: “Every dollar I spend comes back to me multiplied” 

Say it to yourself and then let it go. Always pay with love and never regret anything, because by giving you are also receiving. This is a very powerful technique that I use every day, and I see that money is actually coming back to me in such quantity as I imagined.

Law of Attraction Magic. πŸ’š

SPARK YOGA "Ignite your soul powers for Blessed Life".

God Mind is Subconscious mind


Holisticcare Medicine Consultant
Founder :Shiva Guru Vasi yoga
SPARK YOGA (Ignite your soul Powers)

1. Your subconscious mind not only controls all the processes of the body but also knows the answers to the various questions and can solve many problems.

2. Before going to bed, refer to your subconscious mind with a specific request and soon you will see its miraculous power in action.

3.  When you have a specific goal or dream, consciously repeat this statement: “I believe that the power of the subconscious, which gave me this desire, will embody it in me now.”

4. Stress, anxiety and fear can disrupt the natural rhythm of breathing, heart rate and work of any other part of the body. Cultivate in your subconscious mind thoughts of health, peace and harmony, and all the functions of the body will return to normal.

5. Fill your subconscious with expectations of the best experiences and emotions, and your thoughts will become a reality.

6. The subconscious doesn’t discriminate, judge, or censor. It will manifest success, abundance, and health just as easily as failure, ill health, and misfortune. Your subconscious accepts what is impressed upon it with feeling and repetition, whether these thoughts are positive or negative. It does not evaluate things like your conscious mind does. This is why it is so important to be aware of what you are thinking.

7. Train your conscious mind to think thoughts of success, happiness, health, and prosperity. Learn to weed out negativity such as fear and worry. Keep your conscious mind busy with the expectation of the best, and make sure the thoughts you habitually think are based upon what you want in your life.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019


Raja yogi Dr.V.Suresh PhD.,

Health and healing & Flow of prosperity

This is a sign of healing.  Your Divine healing power has awakened and you feel compelled to help others to heal.  Your prayers about finances have been heard, answered, and healed.  Tap into your manifestation power by focusing on abundance instead of worrying about money.  You have nothing to fear.  A new flow of prosperity is supporting you and your loved ones.

You’re asked to let go of any fears or restrictive thinking to fully open the miracles of healing.  Stop worrying about money, worries only attract money problems.  Everything’s going to be okay, especially with respect to finances.  You have the support to make a desired life change right now.  Visualize and affirm prosperity.

 . . No one knows the future but God.

Live  Heavenly life ,This Earth is Heaven by Realisation you can live a Blessed Eternal life.